Early Years

Intent Statement

In the Reception year at BHCPS we want our children to:- 

  •  feel safe, secure and happy in the school environment 
  •  know that their needs, interests, talents and histories are important to us 
  •  be confident to investigate and experience new things
  •  be curious, creative and adventurous in their learning; to ‘have a go’. 
  •  have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop   strategies for learning things
  •  be able to concentrate and keep on trying when they encounter difficulties     or make mistakes
  •  feel confident to ask for help when needed 
  •  form positive attitudes towards their learning 
  •  enjoy their achievements and have a positive sense of self 
  •  develop strong, warm and supportive relationships with the familiar adults 
  •  be prepared to help each other and work as a team
  •  be independent in their self-care 
  •  acquire the personal, social, emotional, language and physical skills to   flourish across all areas of the curriculum 
  •  have a strong grounding in number and the patterns therein
  •  be able to read and write a simple sentence
  •  be prepared for a seamless transition into Year 1


Curriculum Overview for 2022/2023


Reception Planning for Spring 2

Spring 2 Planning - Main Areas
Spring 2 Planning - Specific Areas

Reception Planning for Spring 1 

Spring 1 Planning  - EYFS - Main areas

Spring 1 Planning - EYFS - Specific areas


New Early Years Framework September 2021

What is the EYFS Framework?

The EYFS Framework is there to support all professionals working in the Early Years age group (0-5 years).

It sets out:

  • The legal welfare requirements that everyone registered to look after children must follow to keep your child safe and promote their welfare
  • The 7 areas of learning and development
  • The educational programmes for each area of learning
  • Assessments that will tell us about your child’s progress through the EYFS
  • The expected levels (Early Learning Goals) that most children should reach at the end of their Reception year.

The Department for Education have revised the Early Years Framework with the changes taking effect from September 2021. We will have a curriculum meeting for new parents in September to talk about the main changes in relation to the curriculum that our children follow, the school day at BHCPS, the goals the children should reach by the end of the Reception year and the ways that we can work together  to achieve this.

For those of you who would like to know more, here are some links to the statutory framework and also to the non-statutory guidance documents which teachers can use to aid their planning; ‘Development Matters’ and ‘Birth to 5 Matters’.

The New Early Years Framework – Statutory for all Early Years settings from September 2021

Government Early Years Framework

Development Matters (Non-Statutory Guidance)

Government Development Matters Guidance

Birth to 5 Matters (Non-Statutory Guidance)

Birth to 5 Matters