Year 6 News

Mrs Stephens and Miss Jeer
Mrs Pelaria and Mrs Smith

Year 6 Information 

PE days: Monday and Wednesday

Homework: out Thursday and due back Tuesday

PE kit:

Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school: a navy blue t-shirt, navy shorts, black or navy jogging bottoms and a pair of black PE shoes.
There are more instances of children not being able to do PE because they don't have their kit in school. Please could you ensure that they have a kit in school at all times.


Current Topics:

Science - Light

Geography - Why is Fair Trade Fair?

Computing - The History of Computers

DT - Automata Toy

French - At school

Music - Film music

RE - Creation or Science?

PSHCE - Healthy Me

Maths - Statistics

English text - Holes



25th March - SATs Meeting

28th March - Above and beyond assembly 

28th March 2pm - Last day of half term

15th April - Back to School

13th-6th May - SATs tests

17th May - Ray Lodge Park

8th-11th July - Danbury



Spring Curriculum Meeting

Danbury Meeting October 2023

SATs Meeting 2024

Year 6 Information
Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List
Greater Depth Writing - Narrative
Greater Depth Writing - Narrative 2
Greater Depth Writing - Formal Letter
Greater Depth Writing - Newspaper Report
Online safety - ttps://