Year 2 News

Welcome to the Year 2 page!

2CP - Mrs Coulson and Miss Wicks with Mrs Willicombe 

2P - Miss Porter with Mrs Heatley

On this page you can find information about our curriculum.

PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. On our PE day, children should wear their PE kit to school and they should not wear earrings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly via our email addresses below.

2P: Miss Porter -

2CP: Mrs Coulson -

Curriculum Meeting Information

Curriculum Information - Spring

Phonics Sound Mats

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 5

Online games

Hit the Button

Coding game - Rabbit and carrots

Quick Draw

Dance Mat - Touch typing

Topics this half-term

English - Units: Bubbles (film unit) and The Disgusting Sandwich

                 Grammar skills: Punctuation, conjunctions, noun phrases, adverbs and                                                compound words

Maths - Money, Multiplication and Divison

Science - Habitats

Geography - How do we fuse different cultures together?

Computing - Algorithms and debugging

RE - How do Christians belong to their faith family?

PE - Dance

Music - Orchestral instruments

PSHE - Dreams and goals

Art - Painting and mixed media

Upcoming Dates

  • Half term – Monday 19th February - Friday 23rd February
  • Easter holidays – Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April



TTRockstars is a game to practice times tables. We have been learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables in school and this is a fun way to practice them while earning coins to accessorise their Rock Star personas!

To log in, follow the link above, enter the school name (Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School), then enter their username and password.